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 SFQG Newsletter


SFQG publishes a monthly guild newsletter, Quilter’s Cables.  Our newsletter is a great way to keep up to date with all SFQG activities and events.  Please email our newsletter editor, for any idea you may have or if you are interested in advertising in our newsletter.  If you are a current active guild member, but are not receiving the newsletter via mail, please contact membership and double check that they have your correct address (Note:  newsletters are sent to the homes only if the guild member is not present at the meeting).


If you are not a current active guild member, SFQG encourages you to join!  If you join us, you will have numerous opportunities to learn, create, and meet fellow quilters.  Please complete a membership application, which can be found inside any of the 2005 newsletters below.

2007 Newsletters




Note:  If you are looking for the block of the month, they can be found inside each month's newslett



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© Copyright 2005, San Francisco Quilt Guild