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 Quarter Yard Stash


Every month at the Guild Meeting, the Quarter Yard Stash Ringleader will have a yard of fabulous fabric to the “pot.”   Each SFQG member is eligible to play by bringing in a Fat Quarter that will coordinate with the yard of fabric featured the month prior.   The main fabric will be displayed during the prior month’s meeting or on the website below (i.e.- In May member's see June’s fabric, etc, etc. )   If you happen to miss a SFQG regular guild meeting, member's can see a picture of the main featured yard here on this web page below. 

The lucky winner will get the one Yard of fabric and all the coordinating Fat Quarters!  Sounds like enough fabric to make a good sized wall quilt or bigger if lots of members participate!

So don’t miss the FUN!
Fabric of the Month (Main Yard)



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© Copyright 2005, San Francisco Quilt Guild