California Fires & Cleaning Out Your Studio
The Southern California Council of Quilt Guilds is
collecting items to help quilters replace things
they lost in the California fires. There is a
website for SCCQG at
could contact them and perhaps find a quilter in
need of your unwanted items.
and Tell's Quilt of the Month
Congrats to
all those guild members on finishing their quilts
this month (especially Jurlene below for finishing
this Baltimore quilt). Below is just a sample of this
month's featured quilt of the month. Click on
the quilt to see the rest of the quilts for this

Saturday Sewcials - September / October
September Saturday and Sunday Sewcials will be held at 3
LOCATIONS, and you will need to sign up in advance – you are not
officially in the sewcial until your fee is paid.
Sat., Nov. 17th,
Bodacious Binding for You Quilt, 10:00am-2:00pm
Location: Donna
Rand's home. Learn how to bind your quilt like an expert. No more points off
with the judges. Cost: $25.
Saturday Sewcial in December.
For any
questions, please contact Ruth Jensen / Karen Reiter
Quilt-A-Way Samples and Registration
Class Picture Samples
Process Payments
Visit our affiliate of the month
New Pieces
1605 Solano Avenue
Berkeley, CA
When you stop into New
Pieces be sure to mention that you saw the weblink on our
website. Thanks!
