San Francisco Quilt Guild

 San Francisco Quilters Guild



 About Us Membership Newsletter Sew & Tell Quilt Show Sewcials Philanthropy

Calendar Meetings Guild Directions Restaurants

Links Affiliates SFQG Sites Guilds Quilt Care Tutorials Quilt History Museums Teachers SF Visitors Game

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November 13th - SF Quilter's Guild Auction
Speaker: No Speaker
  Guild members and non guild members are able to bid on any of the numerous items up for auction that benefit our guild.  Come check out the items up for bid.  Items range from quilt tops, finished quilts, fabric, many many other items.  All items sold benefit the guild in making it possible to continue into the future with guest speakers and other events that guild sponsors.  No bid is ever too low!  Be amazed at what steals you can find at our guild.
December 11th - Holiday Program
Speaker: No Speaker

Our December holiday program will be very special this year. While we will still celebrate with our usual holiday treats, holiday show and tell and Secret Santa Exchange, our special focus this year will be on the wonderful gift that Mary Whitehead was to our guild.

 For those who did not know her, Mary, who died ten years ago, was an enthusiastic member and officer of our guild. She was also an extraordinary teacher in whose classes so many people learned the basics of quilting. Her own individually designed quilt patterns are still influencing new generations of quilters.

 Mary, the math teacher, was instrumental in using mathematics in in the design and construction of her quilts. As a special treat at this evening, Mary's daughter, Tamsen McGinley, a professor of Mathematics at Santa Clara University, (yes, some things do run in families) will give us a short presentation of mathematics used in quilting and especially how her mother used mathematics in quilting.

 So, those of you who have made quilts using Mary's patterns, please bring them to add to our holiday show and tell.

 Bring holiday treats to share and a Secret Santa Gift if you wish. There will be gifts for all as we celebrate this festive time of year.

Visit our Quilt Guild Member's Websites



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Reproduction of text / imagery on this website prohibited without written permission of the author / artist.  

© Copyright 2005, San Francisco Quilt Guild



Receive Email Monthly Reminders

Sign up for our monthly (approximately 12 emails per year) email newsletter that will notify you of theefollowing:
  • Monthly guild meeting announcement about our guest speakers
  • SFQG Quilt Show

We do not give out our email or mail list to anyone.  Upon signing up, participants can at anytime unsubscribe to the list.

Note:  Each participant will have to sign up for two email lists (one junk email list  and one SF Quilt Guild Email List).  Both email lists will send you an approval notice via email - just accept SF Quilt Guild and refuse to accept the other. 

 You will not get the other junk mail and receive only the SF Quilt Guild Monthly Speaker Announcements!

Subscribe Unsubscribe
California Fires & Cleaning Out Your Studio

The Southern California Council of Quilt Guilds is collecting items to help quilters replace things they lost in the California fires.   There is a website for SCCQG at  You could contact them and perhaps find a quilter in need of your unwanted items.

Sew and Tell's Quilt of the Month

Congrats to all those guild members on finishing their quilts this month (especially Jurlene below for finishing this Baltimore quilt).  Below is just a sample of this month's featured quilt of the month.  Click on the quilt to see the rest of the quilts for this month.


Saturday Sewcials - September / October

September Saturday and Sunday Sewcials will be held at 3 LOCATIONS, and you will need to sign up in advance – you are not officially in the sewcial until your fee is paid.

Sat., Nov. 17th, Bodacious Binding for You Quilt, 10:00am-2:00pm

Location: Donna Rand's home. Learn how to bind your quilt like an expert. No more points off with the judges. Cost: $25.

 No Saturday Sewcial in December.


For any questions, please contact Ruth Jensen / Karen Reiter


Quilt-A-Way Samples and Registration

Class Picture Samples




Process Payments


Visit our affiliate of the month

New Pieces

1605 Solano Avenue

Berkeley, CA        



When you stop into New Pieces be sure to mention that you saw the weblink on our website.  Thanks!


New Magazine - Mark Lipinski's Quilter's Home
There is a new magazine that you may have noticed at your local quilt shop - Mark Lipinski's Quilter's Home Magazine.  Mark also has a yahoo group for those of you whom want to interact with other quilters online.   Follow the link to Mark's Yahoo Group: Pickle Road Studio or to Mark Lipinski's Quilter's Home Magazine.


Community Outreach Program

SFQG donates quilts each month to non-profit organizations.  The organizations listed on our philanthropy webpage are just some of the non-profits we donate our quilts to. 



Download Free Graph Paper On Us!

Check out our Quilt Care page for this new cool link!  You can download or customize graph paper to your specific measurements.  Or if you need hexagonal graph paper or other styles to help you plan your projects.  Check out this handy online tool.


Learn to Care for Your Quilts
  • Not sure how to store that quilt? 

  • Need information on stain removal / minimization?

  • Need information on how to ship or insure your quilt? 

  • What is the best way to photograph my quilt?

  • Setting up  quilt studio and need direction?

  • How do I make a quilt sleeve or binging?

We have links to other sites that specifically list different ways to care for your quilt.